Sunday, February 7, 2010

If I were to..

.. change my mind,

and, say, not return to Japan.

If I finished my degree at the university of Oslo by completing this coming semester,

and by studying Arabic the next school year

while busting my butt, working and saving money

in order to return to Thailand and hopefully

get to study Thai for a year at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok

the city of my heart..

the language of my heart

Would you still follow me?

Would you still love me? (Haha)

I promise,

I'll take you with me

And show you my Thailand

In the short time that I've been home

I've realized how much I've missed

not being in Japan.

If I were to return to Japan for a year, through my Norwegian university

It wouldn't add up.

It wouldn't be worth the time


and money spent

considering we'd still be a herd of sheep

only as strong as our weakest link

Such a waste of good suffering.


What do you say?


Dag said...

Follow your heart. But don't make up your mind before summer.

Vidar said...

You probably don't need people to tell you what to do.


I think you will find
That people regret
Not the chances they took
But the ones they gave up


I might be wrong
Most of us make bad decisions
All year long

In the end

I have but two things to mention
Trust your head
And write poems about temptation

Hoshifune said...

Hvis du etter å ha tatt japansk, studerer arabisk og så tar thai så blir jeg bare nødt til å praise you like I should.
Dessuten tror jeg det ville vært gøy å se Thailand gjennom dine øyne, det var morro å se Japan ^^b
Men du har vel fortsatt en del tid til å betemme deg og ombestemme deg, ne.