Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dressing up for Halloween


A couple of weeks ago I had my first exam at Oslo University College. I want to become the most competent social worker the Norwegian welfare society has ever employed! Haha. 

At least it's very interesting and motivating to for the first time be studying something useful. It's a far step away from translating cryptic texts in classical Chinese from 400 years BC about what Confucius said, that's for sure. 

 My next exams are in

Meanwhile, ya know, I'm occasionally taking pictures of my dinners:

 Fennel salad with chicken, oranges and asparagus 

(Mind you, of course I only take photos of my food when it's somewhat healthy - so there's three photos in this blog post of food, and it's been how long since I last blogged? You do the math. I'm getting chubby)

Chicken soup with ginger, garlic and chili

Winter time is approaching, and unfortunately it gets dark outside earlier and earlier - to my great despair, since I can't take photos of my food in natural lighting; in artificial lighting the food looks disgusting, I think:

Oven baked cod with a 'lid' of pine kernels,
mashed sweet potatoes, asparagus beans
and soy sauce butter

I really wanted to dress up for Halloween this year, since I wanted to wear my new fangs - can't really wear 'em to go grocery shopping

Luckily, Lotte hooked us up with an invitation to a  Halloween party.

.. and two pounds of makeup later:


... I think a small reminder of how Lotte really looks like is in order:



 .. Then Lotte suddenly felt like something was missing

A mustache to complete her costume.

And all was right with the world again

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