Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pickin' Strawberries & Eatin' Crayfish

This was outside our house yesterday
- Oslo, Norway, JULY 20th!!

But it wasn't snow..

.. it was HAIL!
Yittle marbles of ice

Hail Climate Change and Merry Christmas!

The hail melted soon enough, and this morning I went strawberry picking with my momma, which is kind of a tradition we try to do every summer.

Mom's in high spirits

I so want to take my own kids 
picking strawberries, I think it's such a treat

It's much cheaper picking them yourself, 
and if you're as sneaky as I am, 
you only pick the nicest ones
- and you get to eat as much as you want!

 Then I went to my childhood home for some supper.

Mom bashing away

Super speed!

Mammas motto - Ikkeno' Fjordland her i huset,
for å si det sånn!

Making a dipping sauce..

.. for..


The dining table

I have a theory that mom
stays so skinny by eating lying on her stomach
- I mean, how much can you eat
when lying on your stomach, anyway?

Noodle soup

Happy feet

1 comment:

Shelnmum said...

OMG I so wish I could be there to taste that dipping sauce! It looks so delicious! I am Asian so I <3 spiciness! :)