Thursday, December 16, 2010

Behind the Scenes - Photoshoot at The Iron Fairies

Today I was at a photoshoot at a very cool joint called The Iron Fairies at Thong Lo, which serves as a bar at night and a workshop for making nifty leather merchandise in the daytime.

The photoshoot was for a hot new jewelry brand that is going to be sold in the US.

Basically I got to pretend like an assistant to the make-up artist, Hilde (please click the link to see some of her incredible work), i.e. run around and act like I was busy doing something important, and otherwise laugh nervously whenever Hilde would ask my opinion about something.

Hey, at least I got to make myself useful unclasping beautiful models' bras, ehr, jewelry, I mean jewelry.

Hilde is a hardworking and very creative Norwegian make-up artist who's doing very well for herself in Thailand. She is busy doing makeup and styling, teaming up with the best photographers and talented models. She is studying haute couture and fashion design in Bangkok, which is the main reason why she came to Bangkok four years ago.

It was very fun and interesting to get to see a group of such creative people working together. Here are some more of my photos from behind the scenes from today's shoot, which of course was my ulterior motive for going in the first place:

Half Thai/Native American

Photographer Aloha Lavina
together with Soraya from Kenya

Smoking break


Benedicte said...

åå jeg er nesten litt misunnelig på deg nå! Kjempekule bilder, det må ha vært så gøy og lærerikt å få være med å se! :D

Heidilols said...

Åhh, heldig. Skjer med at når du drar til Thailand skjer det så mye gøy?
*Hører Kines stemme:"Det er fordi Thailand ER gøy! High five!!!"*

sy-snella said...

dyktige deg kine ! fantastiske bilder !