Sunday, October 24, 2010


- self proclaimed attention whore

Have I mentioned that I have the most awesome co-workers in the world?

Not only do they contribute to my every other weekend working beeing so enjoyable - they are also willing to spend time with me, even when they're not getting paid! And they feed me!

High five!

Santos is the lucky doggie living in a cosy nest
with his two mommas,
Tulla & Trine


He gets a lot of attention

Can you blame him?

It's still fårikål-season and Tulla had been slaving over a hot stove the entire day in order for us to have a binge feast.

A sight only a true Norwegian would love?


*Full and happy*


Hoshifune said...

Skulle si awww, søt hund! Også skulle jeg si uuuhh, roser! Men så ble det alt for mange fine bilder i denne posten til å kommentere alle. lol, Gay-plakaten XDXD

Camilla said...

Liker du kinesisk bedre enn japansk eller?

Jeg og studerer kinesisk. Bor i Taiwan.

Ta gjerne en titt innom bloggen min. Startet for ikke så lenge siden..