Sunday, August 22, 2010

Drammen River Festival 2010

Yesterday I hung out with my best friend, Anette, in Drammen.

She'd even bought me a present from when she went to France a few weeks ago:

seeing that she is well aware of my love for anything edible that is chocked full of preservatives and nasty unnatural stuff, in general, she'd gotten me a bag of the most syntetic-looking candy she could get a hold of.


If I keep this up, I bet my body won't rot when I die. Great success!

striking a pose


Snooze! Fast forward to today.

This weekend the annual Drammen River Festival was being held, and Anette, her boyfriend and I spent the afternoon walking around town.

As usual I got caught up taking pictures of cute kids and babies.

It's a good thing I'm not some creepy-looking guy, considering all of the photos I take the liberty of taking of stranger's kids.


Then I had fun getting some shots of kids playing inside these giant beach balls in the river.

The end.


Anonymous said...

De ble utrolig kule de bildene med badeballene med folk inni. :D

Anonymous said...

jeg ser at det ble en fantastisk grammatisk setning!