Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Last day in Kyoto: Coming-of-Age Day

A Couple of Japanese Girls
"Coming of Age"

I've already mentioned that Japan is the master of creating silly national holidays, to get a few extra days off work and school. Conveniently they're always on a Monday. We've already had "sports day" and "culture day".

This Monday we had the day off school, because of the Japanese coming-of-age day. "It is held in order to congratulate and encourage all those who have reached the age of majority (20 years old) over the past year, and help them realise that they have become adults".

(Thank you, wikipedia).

I want to shove you inside my pocket
and take you home

Heidi and I spent the day shopping. We also went and had some purikuras taken (photo stickers taken inside a special purikura photo booth).

It's pretty inexpensive and a fun thing all Japanese kids love to do with their friends. The lighting inside the photo booth makes you look good too. Wish the photo on my driver's lisence was a purikura. Yet no one would have believed it was me if they checked my lisence on a day I wasn't wearing any make up.

Cool Japanese kids

Theeen.. we went back to Tokyo riding the beloved bullet train. I was home in Togane by 9.30 p.m and dead tired after a fun weekend of sightseeing, alcohol consumption and little sleep.

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