Friday, January 15, 2010

Don't think I don't notice

"Sexy", you say
"Stupid", I say

Do you have any idea how 'cold' it is in Japan right now?
(And why insist on wearing high heels if you
can't even walk properly?)

As I have complained about before, Japanese people are strange creatures, who never seem to be affected by the weather. At winter time I'm always cold, so I'll walk around wearing tights underneath my jeans, winter shoes, winter coat, big gloves and the rest of the shabang.

When I first arrived in Japan back in September, it was so hot. Yet I'd frequently observe Japanese girls in their skimpy hot pants - wearing big heavy winter boots at the same time.

I don't get it.

And now, even though it can be freezing outside, the girls still cling on to their nano-skirts, and the guys refuse to wear a jacket. Still they'll walk around shivering, clearly uncomfortable.

They look so pathetic.

When I went to Kyoto the other day, I witnessed something that truly shocked me.

As I was walking up a busy street, heading for one of the popular tourist attractions, I walked past a Japanese family with three kids. One of them was a small baby who was strapped to the mothers back in a baby holder. It was only wearing a thin body with bare feet. In the middle of winter!

It was only a little baby!

In any reasonable country I think this would have been considered as child abuse.

I asked one of my teachers about it at school today, and she agreed that it sounded bad, but she also told me that Japanese kids are encouraged to not wear that much clothes in order to get "a strong body" that is able to endure the cold.


Yet 70% of the Japanese I see swear by their beloved saft blanket of a face mask - "to prevent them from getting sick".

And I have to say, it seems like the most dolled up Japanese girls that are so obsessed by their apperance, usually are the ones who don't even wash their hands after they've been to the bathroom. They'll flush, walk out of the stall, fix their hair while making a pouty face in the mirror, and walk out.

Don't think I don't notice.


siriporn said...

Det er gøy å pynte seg. Det gjorde jeg da jeg var 20, gikk i pent klær og høyhær. Husk i Paris mange gikk i pene små høyhær selvom det var så kald...ikke ta det alvorlig. Det er også med alder å gjøre når se jeg og irritere av tjukke folk og hva folk spise...

Anonymous said...

Stakkars unge!
Da tror jeg at jeg hadde gitt blaffen i høflighet as -_-

Sexy,joda,men idiotisk, totally! Kle deg etter været, theBrain has spoken!